Gulf Eagle Division
Gulf Eagle Division is a dynamic youth program that strives to develop qualities of self-discipline, self-responsibility, and leadership in a fun but challenging environment. Gulf Eagle cadets will not receive “Participation Trophies”; rather, they will learn to work and succeed as a team and face challenges to help them develop sound decision-making skills and putting others before themselves… They’ll have lots of fun and make lifetime friends with their unit shipmates and other cadets they’ll meet from around the world. Led by Retired Navy Chief Joey Alonso and an amazing group of sailors, former Sea Cadets, and adult volunteers, Gulf Eagle Division holds drill one weekend a month – typically from 0800 until 1500 (3PM) both Saturday and Sunday. Please reach out to Chief Joey Alonso to find out more and begin your journey!
We offer assistance to help offset costs. Gulf Eagle Division is here to support all cadets and families!
Upcoming Drill and Events:
18th – Drill – Oasis High School – Inspection Preps/PRT
19th – NO DRILL
25th – Punta Gorda American Legion Youth Event Support (Logistics/Recruiting)
22nd – Inspection Preps
23rd – Annual Headquarters Inspection (ALL HANDS)
Long Range: Spring
March 15/16 – Overnight camping trip for Flagship in Tampa (Sea Cadets)
March 22nd – Sea Cadet Ball – Punta Gorda American Legion
April 12/13 – Drill (Mini-Recruit Training All-Day event)
May 17/18 – Drill
Drill Locations
One of our two drill days is normally at Oasis High School, which offers us an amazing gym and indoor running track, in addition to a fun obstacle course.
The other drill day is usually at a unique location between Punta Gorga and Naples. Examples include: Fire Stations, USCG facilites, and military-related facilities. Location details are provided well-ahead of time via our Plan of The Month.
We welcome interested cadets to spend a drill weekend with us before committing. We’re sure they’ll enjoy it and will become part of the group immediately.
If you or your child want to come visit us, please contact Chief Alonso
Check out the FAQ’s for more information or contact us.
Gulf Eagle Division is a 501(c)3 organization and we need your support to help families offset costs of trainings and uniforms.
We function solely on donations and dues paid by cadet families.
PayPal charges us a 7% for their services, so please keep that in mind and feel free to donate a little extra to offset the charge.
Use the below link to pay your registration fees or make a much appreciated donation.